Keyboard Timeline
Quarters are 3 month periods starting from Jan-March
Q1: Started Touch Typing
Reached 100 wpm on QWERTY
Q2: Explored Custom Keyboard Layouts
Experimented with Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator
Q3: Layout Analysis and Commitment
Used Python to analyze words for letter placement
Created a typing app to collect my typing stats
Committed to a custom keyboard layout
Q4: Layout Adaptation
Created a numpad layer freeing space on number row
Raised and angled homerow with letters extending into number row
Moved modifiers to friendlier keys
Created a navigating / editing layer
Q2: Moved to Mac
Used Ukelele to create custom keyboard layout
Used Keyboard Maestro to create a nav / edit and numpad layer
Q4: Purchased Dygma Raise Keyboard
Got thumb keys with Dual-Function layers
Updated custom layout to include symbols on thumb keys
Recreated Keyboard Maestro Macros in Bazecor
Created Windows Management, VS code and Browser Layers
Q1: Designed and Engineered Layer Structure
Used Karabiner for a mouse layer and to control application layers
Created an Application Layer with VS Code, Browser, Slack and Discord
Adapted Super Keys(tap dance) into layers
Started The Ultimate Guide to Keyboard Layers
Q2: Designed and Engineered Layer Structure
Published V1 of The Ultimate Guide to Keyboard Layers
Added Vimium extension into browser layer